頁數:93 ﹣104
Book Review of The Political Philosophy of AI
AI, Political, Technology, Power, Performance
The Political Philosophy of AI offers an in-depth examination of how political philosophy engages with the challenges posed by AI. The text argues that technologies, including AI, are inherently political and power-full, thus contesting widespread beliefs in the neutrality of technology and the inevitability of technological determinism. In his analysis, Mark Coeckelbergh addresses key political themes such as liberty, equality and justice, democracy, power, and beyond human-centered politics. He critically assesses AI's anticipated and unforeseen effects, emphasizing its role in transforming foundational concepts and theories within political philosophy. The book’s primary focus is to provide a normative response from the perspective of political philosophy to the question of how AI as political technologies should evolve. This inquiry also addresses one of the most pressing challenges currently confronting humanity.