頁數:165 ﹣176
《智慧妻子:Siri、Alexa 與 AI 家電也需要女性主義?》書評
Book Review of “The Smart Wife: Why Siri, Alexa, and Other Smart Home Devices Need a Feminist Reboot”
Home Automation, Queer, Gender Equality, Feminism, The Gender Politics of Technological Artifacts
《智慧妻子》一書的核心關懷,是使當代智慧家庭科技領域納入女性主義思維, 酷兒化「智慧妻子」的角色,「賦予機器人與人類有同等的尊重態度」,以此幫助人類成為道德主體,在家務、社交、生態與性愛以及諸多領域,皆能仁善(man-kind)對待,這是身而為人類(mankind)應有的尊嚴與態度。本文簡介該書宗旨、摘要,並串連相關文本進行對話,認為這本書是有益於消費者意識覺醒,設計者重視性別平權的開拓性著作。
The core concern of the book “The Smart Wife” lies in integrating feminist thought into the field of contemporary smart home technologies and queering the role of the “smart wife.” This approach advocates for according equal respect to both robots and humans, thereby aiding in the development of human beings as moral agents. Such respect extends across various domains including domestic tasks, social interactions, ecological responsibilities, and sexual relations, promoting a kind-hearted (man-kind) treatment in all these areas. This approach highlights the dignity and appropriate attitude that should characterize mankind. This article introduces the book’s purpose and summary, and engages in a dialogue with related texts, arguing that this book is beneficial for the awakening of consumer consciousness and is a pioneering work that emphasizes gender equality for designers.