ISSN 1680-8428


頁數:143 ﹣156


Mediating Religion

Wei-Yi Hsiao
New media, mediation, secularization, individualization
《媒介與宗教》一書主要探討新媒介的運用,對既有的宗教產生的影響。特別 是在世俗化與新自由主義的背景之下,制度化宗教的意義受到質疑,宗教性的轉變, 讓個人化的宗教興起。本書即透過「物與參照練」、「影像、音樂與個人性」、「陪 伴、親密與新媒體」等三大主題,探討傳統的宗教元素和新媒介的結合,讓宗教的個 人化特質更容易被展現外,也創造新的宗教社會性。另一方面,新媒介也改變人們對 宗教的想像,例如:神與人之間變得更加地親近,反映出民主社會的特性,和民間宗 教中人本主義的邏輯。本書所揭露這些新的宗教經驗,有助於我們思考後疫情時代, 民眾在穿梭虛實之間,所追求的宗教意義、心靈認同與歸屬。
“The Mediating Religion” primarily explores the impact of new media on existing religions. Particularly in the context of secularization and neoliberalism, the significance of institutionalized religion is questioned, leading to a transformation of religiosity and the rise of personalized religion. The book delves into three major themes: “Objects and Reference Chains,” “Images, Music, and Individuality,” and “Companionship, Intimacy, and New Media.” It examines the integration of traditional religious elements with new media, facilitating the expression of the individualized nature of religion and creating new forms of religious sociality. On the other hand, new media also shapes people’s imagination of religion. For instance, it brings god and humans closer, reflecting the characteristics of a democratic society and the humanistic logic present in folk religions. The book reveals these new religious experiences, which help us reflect on the post-pandemic era and the pursuit of religious meaning, spiritual identity, and a sense of belonging in an era of navigating between the virtual and the real.