頁數:69 ﹣92
加速(消亡)的影音╱文化:TikTok 如何帶來一種異化經驗?
The accelerating (disappearing) audiovisual/cultural phenomenon: How does TikTok bring about an experience of alienation?
TikTok, Short Video, Acceleration, The New Alienation, Taiwan Internet Report
2017年,中國公司字節跳動宣布推出國際版的抖音「TikTok」進軍海外市場,不到5年的時間,TikTok全球用戶已突破10億。在台灣,近年來TikTok的用戶也快速成長,初期使用者雖主要集中於兒童及青少年群體,但也已逐漸擴散至其他年齡層。不同於過去對於TikTok的關注主要在於使用成癮、資安與政治議題,本研究嘗試從Hartmut Rosa的加速與新異化的理論視角切入,探究TikTok的流行如何導致一種潛在的「異化」危機。其中,關鍵的問題在於TikTok的媒介特性與演算法運作,所導致特定的內容產製與消費實作樣態。
In 2017, the Chinese company ByteDance announced the launch of the international version of TikTok, entering overseas markets. In less than five years, TikTok has amassed over 1 billion global users. In Taiwan, the user base of TikTok has also grown rapidly in recent years. While early adopters were primarily children and adolescents, it has gradually expanded to other age groups. Unlike previous concerns about TikTok mainly focusing on addictive usage, cybersecurity, and political issues, this study attempts to examine TikTok's popularity from the theoretical perspective of acceleration and new forms of alienation proposed by Hartmut Rosa. It explores how TikTok's popularity leads to a potential crisis of "alienation." The key issue lies in the media characteristics of TikTok and its algorithmic operation, resulting in specific patterns of content production and consumption.