ISSN 1680-8428


頁數:1 ﹣28


Replicable Innovation: Bridging Theory and Real-World Applications

Dr. Kwan Min Lee、吳岱芸 博士、徐知筠 研究生、鄭品薇 研究生
Dr. Kwan Min Lee, Dr. Dai-Yun Wu, Chih-Yun Hsu, Pin-Wei Cheng
在這次對談中,Kwan Min Lee博士根據在個人學術研究以及領導傳播科技產品設計等領域的豐碩經驗,指出學術理論與實務應用之間的密切關聯。他強調深入理解人類固有傾向以及技術形式要素對於推進傳播科技研究和實務進步的重要性,並分享自己根據對人類心理運作機制的理解,發展臨場感以及人機互動相關論述的學術歷程。同時,他也針對傳播科技領域持續發展、且有待進一步探索的重要議題提出了個人的觀察與見解。
In this dialogue, Dr. Kwan Min Lee, with his extensive experience in both academic research and the leadership of communication technology product design, underscores the vital link between academic theory and practical application. He stresses the importance of a deep understanding of inherent human tendencies and technological form factors to drive forward both research and practical advancements in communication technology. Additionally, Dr. Lee shares insights from his journey in developing theories related to presence and human-computer interaction, grounded in his understanding of human psychology. He also offers observations and insights on the evolving challenges in the field of communication technology, highlighting areas that require further exploration and study.