頁數:113 ﹣164
你在我 Instagram 牆上的放閃照: 探索社會比較下的浪漫關係
Your Couple Pictures on My Instagram Wall: The Impact of Social Comparison on Romantic Relationships
Social comparison, Appearance comparison, Intra-sexual competition, Relationship quality, Subjective well-being
以分享影音圖像為主的 Instagram,提供使用者視覺化自我呈現的平台,也成為情侶用來宣告、展示浪漫關係的場域。本研究從社會比較觀點,探索觀看 Instagram上的情侶合照,對自我浪漫關係的影響。經實驗結果發現當受測者看到浪漫關係較好(向上關係比較)及外表吸引力較高(高外貌比較)的情侶合照,會對自我浪漫關係產生較高的負面解讀,進而降低對於自我浪漫關係品質和主觀幸福感的評估。而高同性伴侶競爭傾向則會讓向上關係比較以及高外貌比較程度導致的負面感受更為強烈。研究結果對社會比較面向以及同性伴侶競爭提供理論和實務上的探討與建議。
Instagram is a more image-based social media platform allowing users to visually present themselves and has also become an arena for couples to declare and display their romantic relationships. This study explored the effects of viewing Instagram couple photos shared by others on viewers’ evaluation of their own romantic relationships from a social comparison perspective. The results of the experiment found that when viewing photos of couples with better romantic relationships (upward comparison) and higher attractiveness (high appearance comparison), viewers would have a higher negative interpretation of their own romantic relationships, thereby reducing perceived quality of their romantic relationships and subjective well-being. In addition, higher intra-sexual competition tendency would intensify the effect of upward relationship comparison and high appearance comparison on negative interpretation of their own romantic relationships. Theoretical and practical implications on social comparison and intra-sexual competition are discussed.