ISSN 1680-8428


頁數:163 ﹣174

AI 時代的人類優勢──《造局者:思考框架的威力》

The Human Advantage in the Age of AI: Book Review of Framers: Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil

Huai-Kuan, Zeng
AI, mental model, decision making, frame, framer
《造局者:思考框架的威力》一書,著眼於「建立思考框架」以及「另起思考 框架」。首先,作者群先定義何為思考框架,並展示建立思考框架所需的三大元素: 「因果關係」、「反事實」以及「限制條件」。接著,本書提出另起思考框架的三大 方法:從現有框架獲取、借用並調整其他領域的框架、以及另起思考框架。最後,本 書的目標不僅止於提出如何「建立思考框架」與「另起思考框架」,其一書的問世有 三大意義:理解使用的思考框架為何、擁抱思考框架的多元性、以及展現 AI 時代的 人類競爭優勢。作者群鼓勵人們彼此合作,找出正確的思考框架以建立人類的永續生 存。
The book, Framers: Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil, focuses on (1) building frames and (2) recreating frames. At the beginning of the book, the authors define what a “frame” is. There are three key components of a frame: causal effect, counterargument, and constraints. Second, there are three ways to create frames: repertoire, repurpose and reinvent. Third, the book not only proposes a way to build and recreate frames but aims at helping people to understand what frames they use, embrace frame pluralism and demonstrate Human Advantage in an Age of AI. The authors encourage people to cooperate and find the correct frame to build a sustainable life for human beings.