ISSN 1680-8428


頁數:153 ﹣178

經濟敘事下之媒體策略管理:傳播與當代敘事經濟學創新理論 的對話

Media Strategic Management Under Economic Narratives: Dialogue With the Innovative Theory of Contemporary Narrative Economics

Shi-Hwa Lo
economic narratives, media strategic management, media management, narrative Economics, go viral.
諾貝爾經濟學獎得主創新敘事經濟學門,本文聚焦媒體策略管理,與敘事經濟學 及人類社會敘事廣傳之命題對話。《敘事經濟:故事如何瘋傳並驅動重要經濟事件》 專書,說明人類歷來重要故事爆紅後,敘事推動經濟發展之過程與影響,書中以四 部論說:(1)流行敘事緣起與案例、(2)敘事瘋傳的七大命題、(3)百年以來影 響經濟深遠的九種敘事,以及(4)經濟敘事之未來。媒體產業為當代敘事傳播的工 具暨機制,本文探究敘事經濟下的媒體策略管理,以三節關懷:(1)媒體應辨識敘 事經濟的特徵並扮演正向瘋傳的催化劑,(2)新聞媒體如何報導影響經濟深遠的事 件,以及(3)敘事經濟的未來與媒體策略管理。
Nobel Economics laureate Robert J. Shiller innovated narrative Economics. Focusing on media strategic management, this paper explores the dialogue among the economic narratives propositions of human society. “Narrative Economics: How stories go viral and drive major economic events” argues that major narratives/stories going viral, the processes and influences prompted by economic development. There are four chapters to depict: (1) the beginnings and cases of popular narratives, (2) seven propositions of narrative Economics, (3) nine different perennial economic narratives, and (4) the future of narrative Economics. Media industry is the tool and mechanism of narratives broadcasting. The paper discovers media strategic management under narrative Economics. To value: (1) how media identify the symptoms and acts as positive catalyst of going viral, (2) how news media report those events/stories which have profound economic influences, and (3) the future of narrative Economics and media strategic management.