頁數:135 ﹣162
Fanship, Need of Identification, and Sport Media: The Predictors of Viewing and Entertaining Experience of Sport Media
sport media, fanship, identification, enjoyment, mediation effect
本研究以球迷感、認同需求為預測變項探討運動賽事收視行為以及享樂感之影 響,並分析臨場感與對抗感是否中介球迷感與享樂感。 以 2014 台灣傳播資料庫調查 之全國性資料分析,發現運動賽事收視行為中,球迷度越高,每週收視時間則顯著越 長。其次,認同需求度和收視時間負相關,顯示對朋友同儕的認同需求低,收視時間 反而高。意即熱衷於觀看運動賽事球迷,反而不認為收視是為獲得朋友同儕認同。此 外,球迷感能預測觀看運動賽事享樂感,進一步分析發現此關係受到臨場感和對抗感 之中介。依據情感傾向觀點解釋,臨場感是對球隊正向情感的沉浸經驗,進而增強享 樂感。對抗感是對敵對球隊的負向情感之敵我分明感受,也能增強享樂感。
The study aimed to investigate the predictors of fanship and need of identification(NFI) on viewing and enjoyment of sport media, and the mediation of presence and rivalry between two predictors and enjoyment. The survey was conducted by Taiwan Communication Survey project, and 706 sport media audiences included. The results indicated that fanship was the positive predictor of viewing time; and NFI was negatively correlated with viewing time. It seems that heavy sport viewers did not consider NFI as their viewing motive.
Fanship was a predictor of enjoyment, and both presence and rivalry were mediators between fanship and enjoyment. According to affective disposition theory, presence was from positive disposition and enhanced enjoyment, while rivalry was from oppositely disposition toward competitor and thus increased entertaining experiences.
Fanship was a predictor of enjoyment, and both presence and rivalry were mediators between fanship and enjoyment. According to affective disposition theory, presence was from positive disposition and enhanced enjoyment, while rivalry was from oppositely disposition toward competitor and thus increased entertaining experiences.