ISSN 1680-8428


頁數:127 ﹣161

純粹社群、掛釘社群與網絡個人主義:以批踢踢八卦板(PTT Gossiping)為例

Typology, Pure Community, Peg Community & Networked The Journal of Information Society Individualism:A Study of PTT Gossiping

Szuping Lin
internet community, PTT Gossiping, pure community, peg community, networked individualism
本論文以批踢踢八卦板作為研究對象,從使用者經驗觀點出發,探討網路掛釘社 群、純粹社群、網絡個人主義等概念如何體現於當今的網路社群運作。純粹社群的動 機目的性質、掛釘社群的認同定錨作用、網絡個人主義所強調個人目標與社會共感之 間的互動——它們彼此關連結合,提供對批踢踢網路社群運作的進一步思考,以及從 個人主義到群體共感的延續性觀照。
Taking PTT Gossiping forum as object of research and through in-depth user interviews, this essay examines how the concepts of pure community, peg community and networked individualism are realized in contemporary internet community. From goal- oriented motivations of pure community, the identity anchoring operation of peg community, to the dynamic tension between personal goals and collective sentiments of networked individualism, this essay explores how these concepts interact to form a continuous discussions and offer thinkings regarding the functions and operations of internet community.